There’s been a lot of ‘talk’ about being trauma-informed in the workplace. Being trauma-informed is a must, but how? It is contextual. As a psychotherapist in my professional space, being trauma-informed requires significantly greater attention and skill. Nevertheless, for all our daily interactions, having an understanding the nature of trauma and adopting the necessary mindset […]
Realise strengths and courage to be well.
Develop skills to fulfil your goals.
Develop personal agency to live a meaningful and purposeful life.Enable authentic conversation.
Facilitate resilience and leadership.
Realise diversity, efficacy and true potential.
Be empowered.Embrace the change.Contact us.
- The process of reflective discussions with you have imbued me with a stronger sense of agency…and purpose. Thank you for hearing my story, witnessing my pain, joys and growth, and for your ever-present kindness… [our] conversations has helped create much needed space from the noise and helped re-establish a truer sense of self.
- To be able to discuss what felt at the time to be utterly shameful subjects and be heard with kindness gave so much solace, and gave me a sense that maybe I was alright after all, rather than inadequate or wrong in some way… It was wonderful developing a stronger sense of my own self.
- Through our conversations, I unlocked more and more aspects of myself and fell in love with my life, fully.
- Sessions are insightful - very professional and intellectual and soulful. I always walked away in awe of how you were able to hold space / ask questions / provoke thought / pick the right thread to untangle.
- With coaching, I am more myself - I trust myself, my brain and my approach way more - and fully in my power.
Latest News and Insights
Being trauma-informed
Your Presence matters
Words are privileged in my work. They communicate and persuade. They speak to the reason within us, the cognitive rational part of us. Most importantly, as we utter words and then narratives of who we are and how we are, these stories become part of us, they begin to form a part of our identity. […]
Walking the labyrinth – reflecting on reflection
Reflecting on an experience of walking the humble labyrinth during a silent meditation retreat, I notice its metaphor to our life. I entered the labyrinth with the spirit of contemplation and an openness to receive what comes. It wasn’t long before my mind got the better of me. As the path led me to the […]